Basic Photography Tip #1... DON'T TOUCH THAT CAMERA!
Your pulse has risen... the adrenalin is coursing through your body... you can almost taste the excitement! It's time to grab that electronic wonder and take some photos! Just remember one of the most basic photography tips there is--DON'T TOUCH THAT CAMERA. At least not yet. Make sure you first...
- Get the camera bag
- If the camera's not in it, put it in (Imagine how you'd feel if you dropped your camera not in it's protective camera bag)
- Verify that the batteries in your camera as well as the spare batteries are FULLY CHARGED. (You do have spare batteries, don't you?!)
- If you're going to be shooting indoors, also take the battery charger (I don't know if this should be considered a "basic photography tip" as much as basic planning, but in any case... be prepared.)
- Determine if you could possibly need any accessories like a tripod, extra lens, filters, etc., and then pack them up.
- Open the camera and check if the memory is loaded (There's basic photography tips, and then there's BASIC PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS. This one is even "pre-basic.")
- Estimate how much shooting you'll be doing, and take with at least twice that amount of memory. (Nothing is more depressing than an incredible photo opportunity but... no more memory!)
- If you're off to a major family event such as an anniversary party or a family reunion, don't forget to take the list of portrait posing ideas. You'll be so sorry if you forget!
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